On October 7th, the company specialized in the commercialization of Food Supplements and Cosmetics JUSNAT promoted the Webclass “Microalgas – a escolha nutricional e funcional inteligente” (“Microalgae – the intelligent nutritional and functional choice”) lectured by Drª. Cátia Patrícia Crúzio Miranda (Clinical Nutritionist).
This event aimed to make known to the specialized community the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris and Spirulina, of Portuguese origin, addressing their nutritional profile and characteristics, as well as the potential therapeutic effects associated with their consumption.
During the event, ALLMA by Allmicroalgae brand products were showcased, taking the opportunity to demonstrate the versatility and culinary applicability on a variety of recipes.
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AlgaValor Webinar | WP5 Circular Bioeconomy – from effluents to novel products through microalgae
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